I’m deeply grateful for the privilege of helping my clients navigate through their Real Estate decisions this year. Though I counselled many who had considered moving in 2020, to postpone that move if it wasn’t absolutely necessary, and to stay home this year, others HAD to find a home or HAD to sell their home.
These were profoundly difficult decisions to make, but we proceeded with respect for the virus, as well as, for the safety of all around us and we prevailed. I’m particularly proud of 2 purchases of FIRST homes where my clients are now safely and excitedly awaiting their FIRSTborns! To all my clients, thank you for continuing to allow me to do the work that matters to you.
Stay safe. Stay informed. And most importantly, stay WELL!
PS: if you’re a grown up SENIOR and or a WIDOW like I am, or if you are simply an EMPTY NESTER, you’re in the right place at the right time. I am all of the above and I understand and have navigated through all of the challenges that life can throw your way when it comes to the overwhelm one can experience with THE BIG MOVE.
I have a special designation when it comes to serving Seniors and Widows with their Real Estate decisions. There is nothing I do better than help my clients to make the best choices for that big move forward. I’ve done it myself, I get it and I am now thriving because of it. You can too. Just connect. #growbolder #notolder ! And make sure that your next move up OR down, supports your lifestyle, your pursuits and your passions!
As I tell my clients repeatedly…
“That moment of absolute perfection, never arrives”. But I can get you damned close to it. Just connect!